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Fatigue for the Delaware Area

Listening to manFatigue is one of the most overlooked health problems modern adults face. Chronic exhaustion in the workplace may cost employers as much as $136 billion a year, as employees regularly underperform or make costly mistakes due to brain fog.

Anyone might be tired for a day or two after not getting enough sleep. Consistent, ongoing fatigue, however, can be a sign of a systemic issue. At First State Health & Wellness, we provide nutrition counseling to help you figure out what’s causing your symptoms and restore you to maximum functioning naturally.

Finding the Root Cause of Exhaustion

Not eating a balanced diet or receiving the nutrients you need can sometimes present itself as chronic fatigue. Sarah Bridge will work with you to identify any deficiencies that may be influencing your health problem. We address stubborn cases of fatigue at the source, responding to what’s wrong so you don’t have to worry about exhaustion coming back later.

In many cases, chronic conditions such as cardiovascular disease, obesity, depression, and diabetes can also lead to symptoms of fatigue. Through one-on-one coaching, we can help you build a better approach to eating that takes into account your condition as well as your individual needs.

Jump Back Into Health Today

Feeling tired all the time? Schedule your first visit now and get back to feeling alert and focused.


Fatigue Lewes, Newark, Rehoboth Beach, Wilmington, DE | (302) 454-1200