As a method of alternative medicine, acupuncture has stood the test of time. It isn’t just an age-old practice; it’s grounded in modern research. Multiple studies confirm its efficacy, making it a valuable asset in today’s health care.
We’re delighted to announce that Dr. Camac recently achieved a Fellowship in Acupuncture from the International Academy of Medical Acupuncture (FIAMA) after over 200 hours of dedicated study. Now, he marries traditional Chinese medicine with a contemporary Western perspective, ensuring his patients receive the most comprehensive care.
First State Health & Wellness chiropractors have used acupuncture for our patients as another mode of natural and holistic healing. Dr. Camac looks forward to using this method to help relieve pain and help his patients achieve their health goals.
Unveiling the Ancient Art
Originating in the Far East thousands of years ago and used in the United States since the 1970s, acupuncture is a vital component of traditional Chinese medicine. Acupuncture centers around “Chi,” the life force that flows through us and the world through its 14 meridians.
Maintaining the harmonious flow of Chi through the meridians is the basis of this method of care. We restore balance through the precise insertion of ultra-thin needles at acupoints. This therapy offers relief from various conditions, particularly pain and systemic issues.
While both acupuncture and dry needling involve tiny needles, they differ in their approach. Acupuncture aligns with traditional Chinese medicine, focusing on meridians and the flow of Chi, unlike dry needling, which primarily targets the placement of needles within the area of complaint.
Enhancing Your Well-Being
Dr. Camac has already used his new skills to help with various conditions, from tinnitus to back pain. This ancient practice complements his chiropractic expertise, expanding the range of services available to our patients.
Get Ready to Heal & Feel Your Best
Experience for yourself the remarkable benefits of acupuncture. Call today to book an appointment with Dr. Camac or any of our skilled chiropractor/acupuncturists.