I am reaching out to reassure you that I have been diligently working with all of our First State Health & Wellness doctors to stay apprised of the evolving situation surrounding Covid-19. As viruses do, it has invaded our daily lives. It has thrust us into unknown territory and I understand the concerns, fears and frustrations that we are all experiencing.
First State was founded on the principle that we put our patients first and I will use that as a guide in navigating this complex situation. With that said, I am deeply invested in making sure that we do our part to support a rapid resolution with minimal complications, for our patients, doctors, staff, their families and our community.
PATIENTS: Overall, we will defer to the State’s decisions regarding mandatory business closures and will be closely monitoring the situation. At this time, all of our offices are open but may be operating on modified schedules (An e-mail will follow with your office’s specific hours or call for more information). We encourage you to elevate your personal hygiene practices, respiratory etiquette and mindfulness of others when in the office. We also ask that you please limit bringing companions unnecessarily into the office.
We hope that you will continue to utilize our services as needed to keep yourself well—get adjusted, supplement and talk with the doctors if you have any concerns. Please use your best discretion when scheduling appointments. If any patient presents with symptoms such as cough, fever or shortness of breath, or has been exposed to someone exhibiting these symptoms, they will be asked to reschedule.
If at any time I personally feel the situation requires an urgent cessation of business to fully protect our employees and patients, we will immediately communicate closure details to you via e-mail, Facebook and phone calls.
Thank you for your support, cooperation and understanding during this difficult and unprecedented time. I have no doubt that when the dust settles, the light will return as more people than ever will be interested in seeking ways to support their health in natural ways—and we will be here, ready to help.
Take care of each other, and be well.
Our chiropractors are always available to answer questions and make recommendations based on your unique needs. Talk to us, we’re here for you!