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First State Health & Wellness: We Can Help

Naturally, chiropractic helps traditional neck and back problems, but chiropractic has also produced wonderful results with a variety of other health problems. Our five chiropractic offices use techniques that help our patients enjoy the fastest results in the shortest amount of time. As chiropractors there are certain health conditions we especially enjoy helping. For us, our most rewarding cases involve…

We can help people of all ages here in our Chiropractic office

Chiropractic can help just about anyone, regardless of their age.

Low Back Pain

Here at our Newark Chiropractic office we like seeing back pain patients because we are confident that we can help them. Low back pain is a common complaint not only among our patients, but at medical offices as well. After the common cold, low back pain is the most common reason for work days missed.

What is so interesting about such a common problem is that according to a New York Time in-depth report, 85% medical examinations reveal low back pain of an unknown origin. 85%! That means that for 85% of low back pain in the world, your medical doctor has no explanation as to why it is happening. Do you who does know? Your local chiropractor!

Misalignments in the lumbar spine, the sacroiliac joints, and of the sacrum can cause local and radiating pain. Chiropractors are the only physicians available who can diagnose and treat these misalignments. So, we like treating low back patients because from our training and experience we are confident that we can help.

Give one of our DE chiropractic offices a call to schedule an appointment today!


First State Health & Wellness

Lewes | Newark | Rehoboth Beach | Wilmington